220 EwE models available for download
487 EwE models with metadata
2 EwE pending model(s)

What is EcoBase?

EcoBase is an open-access database of Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) models published worldwide in the scientific literature. More precisely, EcoBase is an information repository of EwE models freely accessible online here or via the free EwE software - version 6.5.

Who manages EcoBase?

EcoBase was created in 2015 by a group of scientists interested in conducting global meta-analyses based on existing EwE models . Since 2014, EcoBase is managed and supported by the members of the Model repository working group of the Ecopath Research and Development Consortium (ERDC) . The ERDC is a global, cooperative network focused on the research, development and sustainability of the EwE approach and software, its information basis, and complementary activities and capabilities.

What is EcoBase for?

EcoBase was created with the intention of making EwE models discoverable, accessible, and reusable to the scientific community, as soon as they are published. Only the Ecopath models are freely accessible at this stage (Ecosim and Ecospace parameters are not available). The main goals of EcoBase are to:

Why using EcoBase?

EcoBase offers a framework where these data may be properly stored, so that they can be properly reused for future applications, such as models comparisons, meta-analyses, etc.

How to use EcoBase?

You may use EcoBase by following these 5 simple steps:

How to contribute to EcoBase?

If you are willing to share an EwE model you recently developed and published, please use the EcoBase export plug-in available in the new version of the EwE software (v6.5). If you encounter any problem, please contact the EcoBase administrator at jerome.guitton@agrocampus-ouest.fr so that your model may be added to the more than 500 models currently referenced in EcoBase.

Documentation and dataset

script to play with EcoBase

#To get the list of available Ewe models


#To obtain the list of available model
curlPerform(url = 'http://sirs.agrocampus-ouest.fr/EcoBase/php/webser/soap-client_3.php',writefunction=h$update)

liste_mod<-ldply(xmlToList(data),data.frame)%>% filter(model.dissemination_allow =='true')
#liste_mod contains a list and decription of available models in EcoBase        

#To get the input values for model mymodel - 403 


curlPerform(url = paste('http://sirs.agrocampus-ouest.fr/EcoBase/php/webser/soap-client.php?no_model=',mymodel,sep=''),writefunction=h$update,verbose=TRUE)


input1<-xpathSApply(data,'//group',function(x) xmlToList(x)) 

#To get the ouptput values for model mymodel - 403 


#To Obtain a model - output

curlPerform(url = paste('http://sirs.agrocampus-ouest.fr/EcoBase/php/webser/soap-client_output.php?no_model=',mymodel,sep=''),writefunction=h$update,verbose=TRUE)


output1<-xpathSApply(data,'//group',function(x) xmlToList(x))

Publications about EcoBase and associated supplementary material

Discovery tools

1- Click on models placemark to get list of available models   2- Click on model name to get details

EcoBase data access agreement

EcoBase is an online information repository of Ecopath models, supported by the Ecopath Research & Development Consortium (www.ecopath.org/consortium). EcoBase aims to facilitate the use of the Ecopath with Ecosim software, to encourage scientific collaborations between users, and to contribute to the development of aquatic ecosystem modeling. To do so, the database intends to make Ecopath models discoverable and accessible to the scientific community.

All models included in EcoBase have been published in the scientific literature (in peer-reviewed articles or technical reports). By approving this data access agreement, every user of EcoBase is committed to cite the full reference of each model used in all deriving scientific papers, reports or documents . In the case of a large meta-analysis, full references of all used models should be at least included as an appendix or supplementary materials of the related publication.

Users are encouraged to directly contact the authors of the models used, to keep them informed of potential results and publications, and to develop scientific partnerships whenever possible.

To that aim, emails of the authors are provided when accessing the EcoBase model repository.
select distinct model_number,dissemination,model_name,author,model_year_start || '-' ||model_year_end as period, model_location, country from models_list inner join models_info using(model_number) inner join models_history using (model_number) where reference is not null group by model_number,model_name,author,period, model_location,country order by model_name
Name of the modelAuthorPeriodLocationAssociated publication
Aegean Sea Ioannis Keramidas 2003-2007
Keramidas et al. 2022
Alaska Gyre Pauly, D. 1980-1989 Gulf of Alaska, Alaska Gyre
Pauly D.(1996). Alaska Gyre model Mass-Balance Models of North-eastern Pacific Ecosystems. pp 12-36. In Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Haggan N.
Alaska, Prince William Sound Dalsgaard, J. 1980-1989
United States of America
Dalsgaard J.,Pauly D.,Okey T.A.(1997). Preliminary mass-balance model of Prince William Sound, Alaska, for the pre-spill period, 1980-1989 Fisheries Centre Research Reports
Albatross Bay Okey, T.A. 1986-1993
Okey T.A.(2006). A trophodynamic ecosystem model of Albatross Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria: revealing a plausible fishing explanation for prawn catch declines CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Paper
Aleutian Islands Guénette, S. 1963-1963
United States of America
Guénette S.,Heymans S.J.J.,Christensen V.,Trites A.W.(2006). Ecosystem models show combined effects of fishing, predation, competition, and ocean productivity on Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Alaska Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. pp 2495-2517
Alto Golfo de California Morales-Zárate, M.V.
Morales-Zárate M.V.,Arreguın-Sánchez F.,López-Martınez J.,Lluch-Cota S.E.(2004). Ecosystem trophic structure and energy flux in the Northern Gulf of California, México Ecological Modelling. pp 331-345
Angelini_1986_Angola Angelini, R. 1986-1986 Angola shelf
Angelini R.,Vaz-Velho F.(2011). Ecosystem structure and trophic analysis of Angolan fishery landings Scientia Marina. pp 309-319
Antarctic Hoover, C. 1970-1971
Hoover C.(2009). Ecosystem effects of climate change in the Antarctic Peninsula Ecopath 25 years conference proceedings: Extended abstracts. pp 96-97. In Palomares M.L.,Morissette L.,Cisneros-Montemayor A.,Varkey D.,Coll M.,Piroddi C.
Apalachicola Bay Kira Allen 2000-2050
United States
Allen 2022
Arabian Sea Mohamed, K.S. 1999-2001
Mohamed K.S.,Zacharia P.U.,Muthiah C.,Abdurahiman K.P.,Nayak T.H.(2005). A trophic model of the Arabian Sea ecosystem off Karnataka and simulation of fishery yields for its multigear marine fisheries Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute special publication
Arachania Lercari, D. 1992-2007
Lercari D.,Bergamino L.,Defeo O.(2010). Trophic models in sandy beaches with contrasting morphodynamics: comparing ecosystem structure and biomass flow Ecological Modelling. pp 2751-2759
Araujo_1970_NAFODiv4X Araújo, J.N. 1970-1970 Western Scotian Shelf + Bay of Fundy, NAFO Division 4X
Araújo J.N.,Bundy A.(2012). Effects of environmental change, fisheries and trophodynamics on the ecosystem of the western Scotian Shelf, Canada Marine Ecology Progress Series. pp 51-67
Araujo_1995_BayFundy Araújo, J.N. 1995-2000 Bay of Fundy
Araújo J.N.,Bundy A.(2011). Description of three Ecopath with Ecosim ecosystem models developed for the Bay of Fundy, Western Scotian Shelf and NAFO Division 4X Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Araujo_1995_NAFODiv4X Araújo, J.N. 1995-2000 Western Scotian Shelf + Bay of Fundy, NAFO Division 4X
Araújo J.N.,Bundy A.(2011). Description of three Ecopath with Ecosim ecosystem models developed for the Bay of Fundy, Western Scotian Shelf and NAFO Division 4X Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Araujo_1995_WScotianShelf Araújo, J.N. 1995-2000 Scotian Shelf, Western
Araújo J.N.,Bundy A.(2011). Description of three Ecopath with Ecosim ecosystem models developed for the Bay of Fundy, Western Scotian Shelf and NAFO Division 4X Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
AriasGonzalez_AlacranesReef Arias-González, J.E. 1999-1999 Campeche Bank, Alacranes Reef
Arias-González E.J.,González-Gándara C.,Luis Cabrera J.,Christensen V.(2011). Predicted impact of the invasive lionfish Pterois volitans on the food web of a Caribbean coral reef Environmental research. pp 917-925
AriasGonzalez_BocaPaila Arias-González, J.E. 1998-1998 Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve, North, Boca Paila
Arias-González E.J.,Nuñez-Lara E.,González-Salas C.,Galzin R.(2004). Trophic models for investigation of fishing effect on coral reef ecosystems Ecological Modelling. pp 197-212
AriasGonzalez_Mahahual Arias-González, J.E. 1998-1998 Mahahual
Arias-González E.J.,Nuñez-Lara E.,González-Salas C.,Galzin R.(2004). Trophic models for investigation of fishing effect on coral reef ecosystems Ecological Modelling. pp 197-212
AriasGonzalez_Tampalam Arias-González, J.E. 1998-1998 Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve, South, Tampalam
Arias-González E.J.,Nuñez-Lara E.,González-Salas C.,Galzin R.(2004). Trophic models for investigation of fishing effect on coral reef ecosystems Ecological Modelling. pp 197-212
Australia North West Shelf Bulman C. 1986-1991
Bulman C.(2006). Trophic webs and modelling of Australia's North West Shelf NWSJEMS Technical Report
Aydin_GulfAlaska Aydin, K.Y. 1990-1994 Gulf of Alaska
United States of America
Aydin K.,Gaichas S.,Ortiz I.,Kinzey D.,Friday N.(2007). A Comparison of the Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska, and Aleutian Islands Large Marine Ecosystems Through Food Web Modeling NOAA Technical Memorandum
Azores Telmo Alexandre Fernandes Morato Gomes 1997-1998
Morato et al., 2016
Azores archipelago Guénette, S. 1997-1997
Azores Islands
Guénette S.,Morato T.(2001). The Azores Archipelago, 1997 Fisheries Impacts on North Atlantic Ecosystems: Models and Analyses. pp 241-270. In Guénette S.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Guénette S.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.
Bahia Ascencion Vidal, L. 1989-1995 Bahia La Ascencion
Vidal L.,Basurto M.(2003). A Preliminary Trophic Model of Bahía de la Ascensión, Quintana Roo, Mexico From Mexico to Brazil: Central Atlantic Fisheries Catch Trends and Ecosystem Models. pp 255-264. In Zeller D.,Booth S.,Mohammed E.,Pauly D.
Baie de Seine Ghassen Halouani 2000-2001
Halouani, G., Villanueva, C.-M., Raoux, A., Dauvin, J.C., Ben Rais Lasram, F., Foucher, E., Le Loc’h, F., Safi, G., Araignous, E., Robin, J.P., Niquil, N., 2020. A spatial food web model to investigate potential spillover effects of a fishery closure in an offshore wind farm. Journal of Marine Systems 212, 103434. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2020.103434
Baja California Cisneros-Montemayor, A.M. 1970-1970
Cisneros-Montemayor A.M.,Christensen V.,Arreguín-Sánchez F.,Sumaila R.U.(2012). Ecosystem models for management advice: An analysis of recreational and commercial fisheries policies in Baja California Sur, Mexico Ecological Modelling. pp 8-16
Bali Strait Buchary, E.A. 1990-1999 Bali Strait
Buchary E.A.,Alder J.,Nurhakim S.,Wagey T.(2002). The Use of Ecosystem-based Modelling to Investigate Multi-species Management Strategies for Capture Fisheries in the Bali Strait, Indonesia The Use of Ecosystem Models to Investigate Multispecies Management Strategies for Capture Fisheries. pp 24-32. In Pitcher T.J.,Cochrane K.,Pitcher T.J.,Cochrane K.
Baltic Sea Harvey, C.J. 1974-1974 Baltic Sea
Harvey C.J.,Cox S.P.,Essington T.E.,Hansson S.,Kitchell J.F.(2003). An ecosystem model of food web and fisheries interactions in the Baltic Sea ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil. pp 939-950
Bamboung Colléter, M. 2003-2003
Colléter M.,Gascuel D.,Ecoutin J.-M.,Tito de Morais L.(2012). Modelling trophic flows in ecosystems to assess the efficiency of marine protected area (MPA), a case study on the coast of Senegal Ecological Modelling. pp 1-13
Bamboung Colléter, M. 2006-2008
Colléter M.,Gascuel D.,Ecoutin J.-M.,Tito de Morais L.(2012). Modelling trophic flows in ecosystems to assess the efficiency of marine protected area (MPA), a case study on the coast of Senegal Ecological Modelling. pp 1-13
Banaru_2000_GulfLions Bănaru, D. 2000-2009 Gulf of Lions
Bănaru D.,Mellon-Duval C.,Roos D.,Bigot J.-L.,Souplet A.,Jadaud A.,Beaubrun P.,Fromentin J.-M.(2012). Trophic structure in the Gulf of Lions marine ecosystem (north-western Mediterranean Sea) and fishing impacts Journal of Marine Systems. pp 45-68
Barausse_1996_NAdriaticSea Barausse, A. 1996-1998 Adriatic Sea, Northern
Barausse A.,Duci A.,Mazzoldi C.,Artioli Y.,Palmeri L.(2009). Trophic network model of the Northern Adriatic Sea: Analysis of an exploited and eutrophic ecosystem Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. pp 577-590
Barents Sea Blanchard, J.L. 1990-1990
Russian Federation
Blanchard J.L.,Pinnegar J.K.,Mackinson S.(2002). Exploring Marine Mammal-Fishery Interactions Using 'Ecopath with Ecosim': Modelling the Barents Sea Ecosystem Science Series Technical Report
Barents Sea Final 1990 Juv Blanchard, J.L. 1990-1990 Barents Sea
Russian Federation
Blanchard J.L.,Pinnegar J.K.,Mackinson S.(2002). Exploring Marine Mammal-Fishery Interactions Using 'Ecopath with Ecosim': Modelling the Barents Sea Ecosystem Science Series Technical Report
Barents Sea Final 1995 Juv Blanchard, J.L. 1995-1995 Barents Sea
Russian Federation
Blanchard J.L.,Pinnegar J.K.,Mackinson S.(2002). Exploring Marine Mammal-Fishery Interactions Using 'Ecopath with Ecosim': Modelling the Barents Sea Ecosystem Science Series Technical Report
Barnegat Bay Jim Vasslides 1981-1982
United States
Vasslides, J.M., Townsend, H., Belton, T., Jensen, O.P., 2016. Modeling the effects of a power plant
Barra Del Chuy Lercari, D. 1992-2007
Lercari D.,Bergamino L.,Defeo O.(2010). Trophic models in sandy beaches with contrasting morphodynamics: comparing ecosystem structure and biomass flow Ecological Modelling. pp 2751-2759
Barrier Reef of Tiahura Arias-González, J.E. 1971-1989 Moorea, Barrier reef of Tiahura
French Polynesia
Arias-Gonzalez J.E.,Delesalle B.,Salvat B.,Galzin R.(1997). Trophic functioning of the Tiahura reef sector, Moorea Island, French Polynesia Coral Reefs. pp 231-246
Bay of Bengal Mustafa, M.G. 1984-1986 Bay of Bengal
Mustafa M.G.(2003). Trophic Model of the Coastal Ecosystem in the waters of Bangladesh, Bay of Bengal . pp 263-280. In Silvestre G.,Garces L.,Stobutzki I.,Ahmed M.,Valmonte-Santos R.A.,Luna C.,Lachica-Aliño L.,Munro P.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.
Bay of Biscay Lassalle, G. 1994-2005
Lassalle G.,Gascuel D., Lobry J.,Pierce G.J.,Ridoux V.,Santos M.B.,Spitz J.,Niquil N.(2012). An ecosystem approach for the assessment of fisheries impacts on marine top predators: the Bay of Biscay case study ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil. pp 925-938
Bay of Biscay Ainsworth, C.H. 1970-1971
Ainsworth C.,Feriss B.,Leblond E.,Guénette S.(2001). The Bay of Biscay, France: 1998 and 1970 models Fisheries Impacts on North Atlantic Ecosystems: Models and Analyses. pp 271-313. In Guénette S.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Guénette S.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Guénette S.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Guénette S.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.
Bay of Biscay Ainsworth, C.H. 1998-1999
Ainsworth C.,Feriss B.,Leblond E.,Guénette S.(2001). The Bay of Biscay, France: 1998 and 1970 models Fisheries Impacts on North Atlantic Ecosystems: Models and Analyses. pp 271-313. In Guénette S.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Guénette S.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Guénette S.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Guénette S.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.
Bay of Biscay Fabien Moullec, Didier Gascuel 1980-1980
Moullec F., Gascuel D., Bentorcha K., et al., 2017, Journal of Marine systems, 172: 104–117.
Bay of Biscay Fabien Moullec, Didier Gascuel 2013-2013
Moullec F., Gascuel D., Bentorcha K., et al., 2017, Journal of Marine systems, 172: 104–117.
Bay of Somme Rybarczyk, H. 1998-1998 Bay of Somme
Rybarczyk H.,Elkaim B.,Ochs L.,Loquet N.(2003). Analysis of the trophic network of a macrotidal ecosystem: the Bay of Somme (Eastern Channel) Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. pp 405-421
Beaufort Sea shelf Hoover, C. 1970-1979 Beaufort Sea, Mackenzie Shelf area
Hoover C.A.(2013). Ecosystem Model Indicators for the Beaufort Sea Shelf Region of the Beaufort Sea Canadian Data Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Black Sea Gucu, A. 1980-1981
Not affiliated
Gucu A.C.(2002). Can Overfishing be Responsible for the Successful Establishment of Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Black Sea? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. pp 439-451
Black Sea Gucu, A. 1990-1991
Not affiliated
Gucu A.C.(2002). Can Overfishing be Responsible for the Successful Establishment of Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Black Sea? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. pp 439-451
Black Sea Akoglu, E. 1960-1969
Not affiliated
Akoglu E.,Salihoglu B.,Libralato S.,Oguz T.,Solidoro C.(2014). An indicator-based evaluation of Black Sea food web dynamics during 1960-2000 Journal of Marine Systems. pp 113-125
Black Sea Akoglu, E. 1980-1987
Not affiliated
Akoglu E.,Salihoglu B.,Libralato S.,Oguz T.,Solidoro C.(2014). An indicator-based evaluation of Black Sea food web dynamics during 1960-2000 Journal of Marine Systems. pp 113-125
Black Sea Akoglu, E. 1988-1994
Not affiliated
Akoglu E.,Salihoglu B.,Libralato S.,Oguz T.,Solidoro C.(2014). An indicator-based evaluation of Black Sea food web dynamics during 1960-2000 Journal of Marine Systems. pp 113-125
BlackSea Gucu, A. 1955-1965
Not affiliated
Gucu A.C.(2002). Can Overfishing be Responsible for the Successful Establishment of Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Black Sea? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. pp 439-451
BlackSea Orek, H. 1990-1991
Not affiliated
Orek H.(2000). An application of mass balance Ecopath model to the trophic structure in the Black Sea after anchovy collapse
Bohai Sea Tong, L. 1982-1983 Bohai Sea
Tong L.,Tang Q.,Pauly D.(2000). A preliminary approach on mass-balance ecopath model of the Bohai Sea Chinese Jounal of Applied Ecology. pp 435-440
Bolinao Coral Reef Aliño, P.M. 1980-1981
Aliño P.M.,McManus L.T.,McManus J.W.,Nañola Jr C.L.,Fortes M.D.,Trono Jr. G.C.,Jacinto G.S.,Aliño P.M.,McManus L.T.,McManus J.W.,Nañola Jr C.L.,Fortes M.D.,Trono Jr. G.C.,Jacinto G.S.(1993). Initial parameter estimations of a coral reef flat ecosystem in Bolinao, Pangasinan, Northwestern Philippines . pp 252-258. In Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.
Bongu_2005_Congo Bongu, M.M. 2005-2005 Democratic Republic of the Congo coast
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Bongu M.M.(2011). Modélisation des pêcheries marines de la République Démocratique du Congo utilisant le Modèle Ecopath à partir des données collectées dans le Navire D/V Fridjtof Nansen Ecosystem-based fisheries management using Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) software. pp 62-76. In Christensen V.,Villanueva C.
Bonifacio Straits Natural Reserve - Corsica Albouy, C. 2000-2001
Albouy C.,Mouillot D.,Rocklin D.,Culioli J.M.,Le Loch F.(2010). Simulation of the combined effects of artisanal and recreational fisheries on a Mediterranean MPA ecosystem using a trophic model Marine Ecology Progress Series. pp 207-221
Boreal forest 1988-1989 Ruesink, J.L. 1988-1989 Shakwak Trench, Kluane Boreal Forest Ecosystem Project
Ruesink J.L.,Hodges K.E.,Krebs C.J.(2002). Mass-Balance Analyses of Boreal Forest Population Cycles: Merging Demographic and Ecosystem Approaches Ecosystems. pp 138-158
Boreal forest 1990-1991 Ruesink, J.L. 1990-1991 Shakwak Trench, Kluane Boreal Forest Ecosystem Project
Ruesink J.L.,Hodges K.E.,Krebs C.J.(2002). Mass-Balance Analyses of Boreal Forest Population Cycles: Merging Demographic and Ecosystem Approaches Ecosystems. pp 138-158
Boreal forest 1992-1993 Ruesink, J.L. 1992-1993 Shakwak Trench, Kluane Boreal Forest Ecosystem Project
Ruesink J.L.,Hodges K.E.,Krebs C.J.(2002). Mass-Balance Analyses of Boreal Forest Population Cycles: Merging Demographic and Ecosystem Approaches Ecosystems. pp 138-158
Boreal forest 1994-1995 Ruesink, J.L. 1994-1995 Shakwak Trench, Kluane Boreal Forest Ecosystem Project
Ruesink J.L.,Hodges K.E.,Krebs C.J.(2002). Mass-Balance Analyses of Boreal Forest Population Cycles: Merging Demographic and Ecosystem Approaches Ecosystems. pp 138-158
British Columbia coast Preikshot, D.B. 1950-2000
Preikshot D.B.(2007). The influence of geographic scale, climate and trophic dynamics upon North Pacific oceanic ecosystem models
Broa Reservoir, Brazil Angelini, R. Sao Paulo State, Broa reservoir
Angelini R.,Petrere M(1996). The Ecosystem of Broa Reservoir, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, as Described Using ECOPATH Naga, The ICLARM Quarterly. pp 36-41
Brunei Darussalam Silvestre, G. 1989-1990 Brunei Darussalam
Brunei Darussalam
Silvestre G.,Selvanatham S.,Salleh A.H.M.(1993). Preliminary Trophic Model of the Coastal Fisheries Resources of Brunei Darussalam, South China Sea . pp 300-306. In Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.
Buchary_1974_JavaSea Buchary, E.A. 1974-1979 Java Sea
Buchary E.A.(1999). Evaluating the Effect of the 1980 Trawl Ban in the Java Sea, Indonesia: An Ecosystem-based Approach
Calvi Bay Pinnegar, J.K. 1998-1999
Pinnegar J.K.,Polunin N.V.C.(2004). Predicting indirect effects of fishing in Mediterranean rocky littoral communities using a dynamic simulation model Ecological Modelling. pp 249-267
Campeche Vega-Cendejas, M.E. 1985-1990
Vega-Cendejas M.E.,Arreguın-Sánchez F.,Hernández M.(1993). Trophic fluxes on the Campeche Bank, Mexico . pp 206-213. In Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.
Canada, Grand Banks of Newfoundland Bundy, A. 1985-1988
Bundy A.(2002). Adaptation of a Newfoundland-Labrador Ecopath model for 1985-1987 in statistical area 2J3KLNO to the area 2J3KL Information supporting past and present ecosystem models of Northern British Columbia and the Newfoundland shelf. pp 13-21. In Pitcher T.,Vasconcellos M.,Heymans S.J.J.,Brignall C.,Haggan N.
Cantabrian Sea Sánchez, F. 1994-1994 Cantabrian Sea
Sánchez F.,Olaso I.(2004). Effects of fisheries on the Cantabrian Sea shelf ecosystem Ecological Modelling. pp 151-174
Cap de Creus MPA - whole Xavier Corrales, Daniel Vilas, Marta Coll 2008-2012
X. Corrales, D. Vilas, C. Piroddi, J. Steenbeek, J. Claudet, J. Lloret, A. Calò, A. Di Franco, T. Font, A. Ligas, G. Prato, R. Sahyoun, P. Sartor, P. Guidetti, M. Coll, Multi-zone marine protected areas: Assessment of ecosystem and fisheries benefits using multiple ecosystem models, Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 193, 2020, 105232, ISSN 0964-5691, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2020.105232.
Cape Verde Stobberup, K.A. 1981-1985
Cape Verde
Stobberup K.A.,Ramos V.D.M.,Coelho M.L.(2004). Ecopath model of the Cape Verde coastal ecosystem West African marine ecosystems: models and fisheries impacts. pp 39-56. In Palomares M.L.D.,Pauly D.,Palomares M.L.D.,Pauly D.,Palomares M.L.D.,Pauly D.
Caribbean Melgo, J.L. 1980-1981
Not affiliated
Melgo J.L.,Morisette L.,Kaschner K.,Gerber L.(2009). Food web model and data for studying the interactions between marine mammals and fisheries in the Caribbean ecosystem Modelling the trophic role of marine mammals in tropical areas: data requirements, uncertainty, and validation. pp 53-120. In Morissette L.,Melgo J.L.,Kaschner K.,Gerber L.
Carretas-Pereyra coastal lagoon system Jesús Manuel López Vila 0-2022
López-Vila, J.M., Schmitter-Soto, J.J. & Velázquez-Velázquez, E. A Trophic Model for a Periodically Closed Coastal Lagoon System in the Southern Mexican Pacific. Wetlands 41, 55 (2021).
Castro_2005_SaoTome Castro, A. 1999-2006 Sao Tome and Principe
Sao Tome and Principe
Castro A.(2011). Systeme de gestion des pecheries de Soa Tome et Principe par Ecopath et Ecosim Ecosystem-based fisheries management using Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) software. pp 126-132. In Christensen V.,Villanueva C.
Celestun Chávez, E.A. 0-1
Chávez E.A.,Garduño M.,Arreguı́n-Sánchez F.(1993). Trophic Dynamic Structure of Celestun lagoon, Southern Gulf of Mexico . pp 186-192. In Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.
Celestun mangrove Vega-Cendejas, M.E. 1992-1994
Vega-Cendejas M.E.,Arreguı́n-Sánchez F.(2001). Energy fluxes in a mangrove ecosystem from a coastal lagoon in Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico Ecological Modelling. pp 119-133
Celtic Sea Fabien Moullec, Didier Gascuel 1980-1980
France, UK, Irlande
Moullec F., Gascuel D., Bentorcha K., et al., 2017, Journal of Marine systems, 172: 104–117
Celtic Sea Fabien Moullec, Didier Gascuel 2013-2013
France, UK, Irlande
Moullec F., Gascuel D., Bentorcha K., et al., 2017, Journal of Marine systems, 172: 104–117
Celtic Sea Pierre-Yves Hernvann 1985-2017
Hernvann P-Y, Gascuel D, Grüss A, Druon J-N, Kopp D, Perez I, Piroddi C and Robert M (2020).
Celtic Sea-Biscay Bentorcha K., Gascuel D. and Guénette S. 1980-1980
Bentorcha A., Gascuel D., Guénette S., 2017, Aquatic Living Resources, 30: 7
Celtic Sea-Biscay Bentorcha K,, Gascuel D., and Guénette S. 2012-2012
Bentorcha A., Gascuel D., Guénette S., 2017, Aquatic Living Resources, 30: 7
Central Atlantic Vasconcellos, M. 1950-1951
Not affiliated
Vasconcellos M.,Watson R.(2004). Mass-balance models of oceanic systems in the Atlantic West African marine ecosystems: models and fisheries impacts. pp 171-214. In Palomares M.L.D.,Pauly D.
Central Atlantic Vasconcellos, M. 1990-1991
Not affiliated
Vasconcellos M.,Watson R.(2004). Mass-balance models of oceanic systems in the Atlantic West African marine ecosystems: models and fisheries impacts. pp 171-214. In Palomares M.L.D.,Pauly D.
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United States of America
Althauser L.L.(2003). An Ecopath/Ecosim analysis of an estuarine food web: seasonal energy flow and response to river-flow related perturbations
Weeks Bay summer Althauser, L.L. 1990-2001 Weeks Bay, summer
United States of America
Althauser L.L.(2003). An Ecopath/Ecosim analysis of an estuarine food web: seasonal energy flow and response to river-flow related perturbations
Weeks Bay winter Althauser, L.L. 1990-2001 Weeks Bay, winter
United States of America
Althauser L.L.(2003). An Ecopath/Ecosim analysis of an estuarine food web: seasonal energy flow and response to river-flow related perturbations
West Baffin Bay, Coastal and Shelf Sara Pedro 2016-2017
Sara Pedro, Mélanie Lemire, Carie Hoover, Blanche Saint-Béat, Muhammad Y. Janjua, Jennifer Herbig, M
West Coast of Peninbsular Malaysia Christensen, V. 1972-1973
Christensen V.,Garces L.,Silvestre G.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Garces L.,Silvestre G.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Garces L.,Silvestre G.,Pauly D.,Christensen V.,Garces L.,Silvestre G.,Pauly D.(2003). Fisheries Impact on the South China Sea Large Marine Ecosystem: A Preliminary Analysis using Spatially-Explicit Methodology . pp 51-62. In Silvestre G.,Garces L.,Stobutzki I.,Ahmed M.,Valmonte-Santos R.A.,Luna C.,Lachica-Aliño L.,Munro P.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.,Silvestre G.,Garces L.,Stobutzki I.,Ahmed M.,Valmonte-Santos R.A.,Luna C.,Lachica-Aliño L.,Munro P.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.
West coast of Sabah Garces, L.R. 1972-1973
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West Coast of Sarawak Garces, L.R. 1972-1972 Sarawak, Western
Garces L.R.,Man A.,Ahmad A.T.,Mohamad-Norizam M.,Silvestre G.T.(2003). A trophic model of the coastal fisheries ecosystem off the West Coast of Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia . pp 333-352. In Silvestre G.,Garces L.,Stobutzki I.,Ahmed M.,Valmonte-Santos R.A.,Luna C.,Lachica-Aliño L.,Munro P.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.
West Coast Peninsula Malaysia Man, A. 1991-1991 Malaysia Peninsula, Western
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West Coast Vancouver Island Martell, S.J.D. 1950-1950
Martell S.J.D.(2002). Variation in pink shrimp populations off the West coast of Vancouver Island: oceanographic and trophic interactions
Western Antarctic Peninsula Dahood, A 1996-1997
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Western Bering Sea Aydin, K.Y. 1981-1990
Russian federation
Aydin K.Y.,Lapko V.V.,Radchenko V.I.,Livingston P.A.(2002). A comparison of the eastern Bering and western Bering Sea shelf and slope ecosystems through the use of mass-balance food web models NOAA Technical Memorandum
Western Channel Araújo, J.N. 1993-1994
France,U.K. of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Araújo J.N.,Mackinson S.,Ellis J.R.,Hart P.J.B.(2005). An Ecopath model of the western English Channel ecosystem with an exploration of its dynamic properties Science Series Technical Report
Western Channel Araújo, J.N. 1973-1973
France,U.K. of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Araújo J.N.,Mackinson S.,Ellis J.R.,Hart P.J.B.(2005). An Ecopath model of the western English Channel ecosystem with an exploration of its dynamic properties Science Series Technical Report
Western Tropical Pacific Ocean Godinot, O. 1990-2001
Not affiliated
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West Florida Shelf Okey, T.A. 1997-1998 Florida shelf, Western
United States of America
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West Florida Shelf David Chagaris 1985-2018
United States of America
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West Florida Shelf Historic Model Chagaris, David 1950-2010
United States
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West Greenland shrimp grounds Pedersen, S.A. 1991-1992 Greenland, West shrimp grounds
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West Scotland Morissette, L. 2000-2004
France,U.K. of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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West scotland DeepSea Heymans, S.J.J. 1974-1975
U.K. of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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Yucatan Arreguín-Sánchez, F. 1987-1988
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Zhang_1980_GulfMaine Zhang, Y. 1980-1980 Gulf of Maine
United States of America
Zhang Y.,Chen Y.(2007). Modeling and evaluating ecosystem in 1980s and 1990s for American lobster (Homarus americanus) in the Gulf of Maine Ecological Modelling. pp 475-489
Zhang_1990_GulfMaine Zhang, Y. 1990-1990 Gulf of Maine
United States of America
Zhang Y.,Chen Y.(2007). Modeling and evaluating ecosystem in 1980s and 1990s for American lobster (Homarus americanus) in the Gulf of Maine Ecological Modelling. pp 475-489

'Model repository' Working Group, Ecopath Research and Development Consortium


Didier Gascuel, Agrocampus Ouest

EcoBase support:

Jérôme Guitton, Agrocampus Ouest

Ecopath support:

Jeroen Steenbeek, Ecopath International Initiative (ewedevteam@gmail.com, contact email address)

Scientific team:

Francisco (Paco) Arreguin-Sanchez, Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Rodrigo Bustamante, CSIRO

Villy Christensen, UBC Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries

Marta Coll

Beth Fulton, CSIRO

Simone Libralato, OGS

Deng Palomares, FishBase Information and Research Group

Lynne Shannon, University of Cape Town

Sebastian Villasante, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Manuel Zetina-Rejón, Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Past members:

Mathieu Colléter

Audrey Valls

Institutions :
