Model name: Newfoundland

Author: Heymans, S.J.J.
Country: CanadaModelled area (km2): 495000
Ecosystem type: open oceanModelled period: 1450-1450
Ecosim used: FalseEcospace used: False
Number of Ecopath groups: 50Number of fleets: 0
Has Taxonomy: FalseHas Pedigree: False
Is Fitted: Comments:
Heymans J.J.,Pitcher T.(2002). A Picasso-esque View of the Marine Ecosystem of Newfoundland and Southern Labrador: Models for the Time Periods 1450 and 1900 Ecosystem models of Newfoundland for the time periods 1995, 1985, 1900 and 1450. pp 44-71. In Pitcher T.,Heymans J.J.,Vasconcellos M.,Pitcher T.,Heymans J.J.,Vasconcellos M.