Model name: Strait of Gergia

Author: Martell, S.J.D.
Country: CanadaModelled area (km2): 7000
Ecosystem type: channel/straitModelled period: 1950-1951
Ecosim used: TrueEcospace used: False
Number of Ecopath groups: 27Number of fleets: 1
Has Taxonomy: FalseHas Pedigree: False
Is Fitted: FalseComments:
Martell S.J.D.,Beattie A.I.,Walters C.J.,Nayar T.,Briese R.(2002). Simulating fisheries management strategies in the Strait of Georgia ecosystem using Ecopath and Ecosim The Use of Ecosystem Models to Investigate Multispecies Management Strategies for Capture Fisheries. pp 16-23. In Pitcher T.,Cochrane K.,Pitcher T.,Cochrane K.,Pitcher T.,Cochrane K.,Pitcher T.,Cochrane K.,Pitcher T.,Cochrane K.