Model name: Eastern Weddell Sea

Author: Jarre-Teichmann, A.
Country: AntarcticaModelled area (km2):
Ecosystem type: open oceanModelled period: 1983-1993
Ecosim used: FalseEcospace used: False
Number of Ecopath groups: 20Number of fleets: 0
Has Taxonomy: FalseHas Pedigree: False
Is Fitted: Comments:
Jarre-Teichmann A.,Brey T.,Bathmann U.,Dahm C.,Dieckmann G.,Gorny M.,Klages M.,Plötz J.,Schiel S.,Stiller M.,Jarre-Teichmann A.,Brey T.,Bathmann U.,Dahm C.,Dieckmann G.,Gorny M.,Klages M.,Plötz J.,Schiel S.,Stiller M.,Jarre-Teichmann A.,Brey T.,Bathmann U.,Dahm C.,Dieckmann G.,Gorny M.,Klages M.,Plötz J.,Schiel S.,Stiller M.(1997). Trophic flows in the benthic shelf community of the eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica Antarctic communities species, structure and survival. pp 118-134. In Battaglia B.,Valencia J.,Walton D.W.H.,Battaglia B.,Valencia J.,Walton D.W.H.,Battaglia B.,Valencia J.,Walton D.W.H.,Battaglia B.,Valencia J.,Walton D.W.H.,Battaglia B.,Valencia J.,Walton D.W.H.,Battaglia B.,Valencia J.,Walton D.W.H.,Battaglia B.,Valencia J.,Walton D.W.H.,Battaglia B.,Valencia J.,Walton D.W.H.,Battaglia B.,Valencia J.,Walton D.W.H.,Battaglia B.,Valencia J.,Walton D.W.H.