Model name: North Coast of Central Java

Author: Nurhakim, S.
Country: IndonesiaModelled area (km2):
Ecosystem type: continental shelfModelled period: 1979-1979
Ecosim used: FalseEcospace used: False
Number of Ecopath groups: 27Number of fleets: 1
Has Taxonomy: FalseHas Pedigree: False
Is Fitted: Comments:
Nurhakim S.(2003). Marine Fisheries Resources of the North Coast of Central Java, Indonesia: An Ecosystem Analysis . pp 299-312. In Silvestre G.,Garces L.,Stobutzki I.,Ahmed M.,Valmonte-Santos R.A.,Luna C.,Lachica-AliƱo L.,Munro P.,Christensen V.,Pauly D.