Model name: Galapagos, Floreana rocky reef

Author: Okey, T.A.
Country: EcuadorModelled area (km2): 6
Ecosystem type: coral reefModelled period: 2000-2001
Ecosim used: TrueEcospace used: True
Number of Ecopath groups: 43Number of fleets: 1
Has Taxonomy: FalseHas Pedigree: False
Is Fitted: FalseComments:
Okey T.A.,Banks S.,Born A.F.,Bustamante R.H.,Calvopiña M.,Edgar G.J.,Espinoza E.,Fariña J.M.,Garske L.E.,Reck G.K.,Salazar S.,Shepherd S.,Toral-Granda V.,Wallem P.(2004). A trophic model of a Galápagos subtidal rocky reef for evaluating fisheries and conservation strategies Ecological Modelling. pp 383-401