Model name: Phong_2002_MekongDelta

Author: Phong, L.T.
Country: Viet NamModelled area (km2): 40000
Ecosystem type: terrestrialModelled period: 2002-2004
Ecosim used: FalseEcospace used: False
Number of Ecopath groups: 0Number of fleets: 0
Has Taxonomy: FalseHas Pedigree: False
Is Fitted: Comments:
Phong L.T.,van Dam A.A.,Udo H.M.J.,Van Mensvoort M.E.F.,Tri L.Q.,Steenstra F.A.,Van der Zijpp A.J.(2010). An agro-ecological evaluation of aquaculture integration into farming systems of the Mekong Delta Agriculture, ecosystems & environment. pp 232-241