Model name: Cerbère-Banyuls MPA

Author: Xavier Corrales, Daniel Vilas, Marta Coll
Country: FranceModelled area (km2): 35
Ecosystem type: BeachModelled period: 2013-2014
Ecosim used: TrueEcospace used: False
Number of Ecopath groups: 64Number of fleets: 2
Has Taxonomy: TrueHas Pedigree: True
Is Fitted: TrueComments:
X. Corrales, D. Vilas, C. Piroddi, J. Steenbeek, J. Claudet, J. Lloret, A. Calò, A. Di Franco, T. Font, A. Ligas, G. Prato, R. Sahyoun, P. Sartor, P. Guidetti, M. Coll, Multi-zone marine protected areas: Assessment of ecosystem and fisheries benefits using multiple ecosystem models, Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 193, 2020, 105232, ISSN 0964-5691,